We provide high quality education for young people and working professionals throughout India, helping them reach their full potential. We provide convenience, ease and flexibility to the students who strive to reach their goals.
Thanks to the revival of the economy, the job scenario is very bright. It's also an opportunity for the several executives, who chose to go enhance their educational qualification, to reap the benefits. Experts are of the opinion that it's always better to enhance one's qualification irrespective of the business cycle to stay ahead in the competitive business environment. However, for a working professional, it requires a lot of efforts and time to go back to the learning mode without straining the finances.
National College offers the complete guidance, counselling and solution to the educational requirements of working professionals since 1998.
National Education Council, 307, Orion Business Park, GB Road, Thane, MAharashtra - 400 607
National College, Main Campus, Mahim Road, Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane, MAharashtra - 401404